The Relationship MOT

The Relationship MOT

Introducing Relate NI’s Relationship MOT: Your Guide to Relationship Maintenance

Every year you take your car for an MOT, so why not take your relationship for one too? Welcome to Relate NI’s Relationship MOT!


What is a Relationship MOT?

A Relationship MOT is a 50-minute session designed as an accessible way for couples to check in with each other and carry out essential relationship maintenance. Healthy relationships are vital to our wellbeing, and routine maintenance for your relationship will help keep you both on track and maybe even add some sparkle.


How Does Relationship MOT work for Relationship Maintenance?

While this is not a traditional counselling service, you will be guided through the session by a trained relationship therapist (either in person or online). After completing a short questionnaire, which asks you to rate some aspects of your couple relationship, your therapist will help you evaluate your relationship’s current state.

Whether you want to:

Tell your partner how much you love them

Strive for more meaningful time together

Share your favorite parts of your relationship

Address imbalances in household chores

Improve your sex life

….the Relationship MOT covers it all!

Your counsellor will help you identify the strengths in your relationship, as well as the areas for improvement, before you leave with some activities and resources you can do together to help you address any issues and move forward together.

For ongoing support in sustaining healthy relationships, our additional resources can be invaluable!


Real Experiences from Real Couples

What have others said about their Relationship MOT experience?

“I found the Relationship MOT an excellent method of focusing on how we work as a couple and, just as importantly, where we need to work. It was professional, insightful, and well worth the time. It has reminded us of how much we have to be proud of in our relationship and why it is so important to occasionally review it with experts.”

– Tiernan, Belfast

“I would definitely recommend using the Relationship MOT service as a bit of a check-in with your partner. I thought how the counsellor was able to steer the conversation was very insightful and nuanced. The MOT reminded us about why we are great together but also the importance of communication and respect.”

– Laura, Belfast


Book Your Relationship MOT!

A 50 minute Relationship MOT session costs £60 per couple. To book your MOT session, you will first need to complete the short questionnaire below together. When finished, click submit, and we will contact you to assess your availability and book your session, either online or in person.

Please note that we allocate appointments on a weekly basis. If upon contact we can not find a mutually agreeable time for the week following your enquiry, it will be down to you to call us back each week and update us with your availability, until we are able to place you into an available slot.

If you prefer, you can also download the questionnaire using the button at the bottom of this page, and take yourselves for a self-guided Relationship MOT at home.

For more comprehensive relationship support, consider our Adult Relationship Counselling for Couples, designed to complement the benefits of the Relationship MOT.

Invest in your relationship maintenance today and keep your relationship running smoothly with Relate NI’s Relationship MOT.

Please consider each question together, and rate your satisfaction as a couple in each area. Try to be honest with each other in order to identify where there is room for improvement.

A Number 5 = Very Satisfied

A Number 1 = Very Unsatisfied

If you think the question is not relevant to your relationship, for example if it asks about being a parent or living together but you don’t, feel free to skip it.

Feel free to give additional information in the text boxes, but please be brief and we can discuss these things further in your MOT session.

To getht eh most out of your Relationship MOT, you must complete this form together.

Complete the form below together to book your Relationship MOT

Leisure: How satisfied are you with both your personal leisure time and the leisure time you spend together?
Romance: How satisfied are you with your efforts in making time to be romantic with each other?
Friends & Wider Family: How happy are you with the time you get to spend with friends & family?
Listening: How would you rate your ability to listen and respond to each other well?
Assertiveness: How would you rate your ability to ask each other for what you want or to say no?
Managing Conflict: How would you rate your ability to manage conflict/arguments between you?
Desire & Sex: How satisfied are you with your desire for sex and the sex you have?
Trust: How would you rate the trust you have in each other?
Reliability: How much do you feel like you can rely on each other?
Expressive Love: How would you rate your ability to express love to each other?
Income: How would you rate the fairness in contributions to the household income and spending?
Housework & DIY: How would you rate the fairness in the division of labour, DIY and housework?
Parenting: How would you rate your confidence and ability in each other as parents?
I have read and understood all the information on Relate NI's "Important Information for Clients" document above(Required)

“How Relate NI helps people”

Our counsellor was excellent and really helped me and my husband to resolve the niggles in our relationshipService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Couples
My counsellor was lovely, attentive and supportive. She helped me to understand my worth and for that, I will always be gratefulService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Individuals
This service is invaluable. Such lovely people to meet and help you through difficult times.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Couples
The service was excellent, my counsellor was really good at getting us to open up and helping us to get to the root of our issues. We have definitely improved our communication since attending.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Couples
I found the Relationship MOT an excellent method of focusing on how we work as a couple and just as importantly, where we need to work. It was professional, insightful and well worth the time. It has reminded us of how much we have to be proud of in our relationship and why it is so important to occasionally review it with experts.Service Attended Relationship MOT
I would definitely recommend using the Relationship MOT service as a bit of a check in with your partner. I thought how the counsellor was able to steer the conversation was very insightful and nuanced. The MOT reminded us about why we are great together but also the importance of communication and respect.” “Our counsellor provided an outside perspective which immediately helped us to agree that we needed to stop and think with more kindness and empathy for each other especially when stressed or pissed off. We both felt that our counsellor’s excellent and gentle facilitation was quite invigorating. So many positives!Service Attended Relationship MOT 2
Very Interesting Content. I like the concept of preparing your relationship before you have problemsService Attended Sustaining Healthy Relationships – Surestart 4
The face to face programme has made me feel connected with others experiencing similar thingsService Attended Sustaining Healthy Relationships – Surestart 3
The workshops made me more confident to balance family life after the baby's arrivalService Attended Sustaining Healthy Relationships – Surestart 2
I now have a better understanding of myself, it is good to know that it is normal to have argumentsService Attended Sustaining Healthy Relationships – Surestart 1
I felt the weekly questionnaire, couples with the counsellor's understanding of my needs help contribute to my own understanding of my mental health and needs throughout.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Individuals
I loved every session. Our counsellor listened to what we had to say and gave us helpful wee homework - would recommend this service to everybodyService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Couples
Our counsellor was a fantastic support - we now feel strong enough to continue working on our relationship togetherService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Couples
I had a very good counsellor that helped me through a lot and it has made me come out the other side.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling for Individuals
Counselling took us from a bad place to a good one and I would return if neededService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples
Been a lifeline to help us fall in love again - forever grateful!Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples
I would just like to say that when I first came for counselling I felt that I was drowning.  I have completed my sessions and I now feel that I can cope a lot better with everything.  Thank you for a brilliant service.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Individuals
Thank you Relate NI for a good nights sleep.Service Attended Relate NI Kids Counselling
Really enjoyed Relate NI and I'm actually going to miss counselling.  I Found it helpful to find myself again. Very fair and equal within our relationship.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples
The counsellor was very pleasant to meet with.  They had the necessary skills to speak and listen when appropriate.  I liked their humour and good personality.Service Attended Family Counselling
Relate NI has helped me move on as well as understand myself and situation more.  My counsellor listened to me, facilitated me and was compassionate!Service Attended Relate NI Teen Counselling
I felt the weekly questionnaire, coupled with counsellor's understanding of my needs helped contribute to my own understanding of my mental health and needs throughoutService Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Individuals
We had four funded sessions and cannot express how grateful we are for the help, guidance and knowledge. Our counsellor was incredibly professional, and her experience and obvious passion for helping couples like us was exceptional. She helped us to understand ourselves and each other like we otherwise never would have been able to.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Couples
I have tried counselling many times in the past. This time actually made a difference. I was able to complete online sessions as well as some face to face.Service Attended Adult Relationship Counselling For Individuals

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