Struggling with Co-Parenting? We Can Relate.
Relate NI believe children who grow up with parents who have low parental conflict, whether together or separated, enjoy better physical & mental health & emotional wellbeing, higher educational attainment & a lower likelihood of engaging in risky behaviour.
The importance of Co-parenting
Moreover, at Relate NI, we recognize that parents want the best for their children. Therefore, we believe co-parenting is crucial because:
- For instance, 25% of children whose parents separate have serious long-term social, emotional and psychological problems in adulthood.
- However, the good news is 75% of children do not face these issues
The Co-Therapy Services
Consequently, this self-referral co-parenting counselling service is designed for parents who are co-parenting or for children and young people (CYP) impacted by co-parenting in their family setups, including separated and/or blended families. Specifically, our co-therapy service is beneficial for those who:
- Are finding agreement on their co-parenting strategies difficult.
- Are considering separation.
- Have recently separated.
- Separated some time ago.