There are now so many ways that you can keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. These moments can be a time to take your mind off of current affairs. Check in on people’s wellbeing but remember to have a laugh and discuss other topics too.
Here are some tips for staying connected during social-isolation:
Staying connected
- If you are self-isolating at home you may feel disconnected from others. Make use of social media, text, instant messaging, phone and video messaging as ways of keeping connected – even in the same house!
- Get creative about how you connect online. You could arrange to video message your friends for a cuppa, play online games together or share amusing memes on social media.
- Depending on where you work, meetings may still be able to happen via video or telephone conferencing. Try to pick up the phone and check in on how your team are doing throughout your time working from home.
- If you have neighbours who are self-isolating, you might offer to go to the supermarket for them or drop off some books.
- Starting a community WhatsApp group or Facebook group for helping each other out during this time will encourage people to ask for help when they need it. You can also post notes through people’s door with your contact details on, letting them know you’re free to help.
- While it’s not advised to shake hands or hug, you could greet people with the Indian greeting of Namaste which involves holding your palms in a prayer position or bowing slightly. You could even have fun making up your own virus-proof greetings.
- Help your children to video message friends and family if they are too young to do this themselves.