“Good quality relationships are at the heart of a thriving society.
However, factors such as long working hours, financial problems and a lack of time can put pressure on our relationships, including for those working in the civil service.
Relationship counselling is an effective form of relationship maintenance, particularly where there is ongoing relationship distress for a period of time.
Current or former civil servants can apply to The Charity for Civil Servants for financial assistance for Relate NI counselling.
The process will not be administered in any way by Relate NI
The financial assistance will be means tested and is not guaranteed. Therefore it is suggested that clients either wait for an outcome of their application to Charity for Civil Servants before starting counselling or self-fund in the interim.
Clients can apply here: Get Charity Help | The Charity for Civil Servants (foryoubyyou.org.uk)
The assistance will normally be for up to 6 sessions of counselling but clients can apply for assistance for more sessions with a written recommendation from a counsellor/centre.
Over 90% of people who access our services believe that it has improved their wellbeing. 70% of respondents to our annual survey said they wished they had attended Relate NI sooner.